Hosted by Sustain SoCal, Executive Next Practices, the UCI ANTrepreneur Center, and the United Nations Association of Orange County
Join the Irvine Tech Week Sustainability Showcase, a cornerstone event focused on supporting sustainable start-ups.
Join them Friday, March 24 from 12:00PM to 2:00PM at the Innovation Room at Fivepoint, 2000 FivePoint, 4th Floor, Irvine, CA 92618.
This gathering will bring investors, entrepreneurs, and community members together to discuss all things sustainability.
Here is the day's agenda:
12-12:30 PM - Networking and interaction with sustainability start-ups
Start-up 1
Start-up 2
Start-up 3
Start-up 4
Start-up 5
12:30-1 PM - A panel discussion with experts across the sustainability ecosystem
Panelist 1 - Sustain SoCal
Panelist 2 - Sustain So Cal
Panelist 3 - ANTrepreneur Center
Panelist 4 - ENP
Panelist 5 - United Nations of OC
Panelist 6 -
1-1:10 PM - The state of sustainability in Irvine, and what the future looks like
Scott Kitcher, President & CEO at Sustain SoCal
Dave Rice, President United Nations Association of OC
1:10-1:30 PM - Sustainable start-up quick pitches
Ryan Foland, Director of UCI ANTrepreneur Center will moderate
1:30-2:00 PM - Networking
This event is limited to 60 guests, so RSVP today to secure your spot. Refreshments and sandwiches will be served. Don't miss this opportunity to come together for Irvine Tech Week and showcase the resources and support available to the sustainable start-up tech community.
Please register here to attend.
Thanks to Sustain SoCal, Executive Next Practices, the UCI ANTrepreneur Center, and the United Nations Association of Orange County for offering this local startup event, the details, and the graphic!