The Startup Council is the inclusive information and community development hub that the Orange County tech community needs to accelerate a diverse and profitable startup ecosystem.
Friendly and welcoming to anyone with innovative business ideas.
Not an Incubator or Accelerator. No Fancy Conferences. No Consulting Services, Equity Stakes, or Sales Pitches.
High growth, technology-based startups only - software, hardware, life sciences, medical device, and biotech startups.
Mostly free and all low cost (thanks to support from our many Sponsors).
The OC Startup Council lowers the barriers to entrepreneurship by pulling together the fragmented OC technology startup ecosystem with a combination of startup company directory and resource partner listings, newsletters, publicity opportunities, job listings, and both F2F and virtual events.
Our team of volunteers has decades of experience growing both startup and non-profit organizations. Together with friends, sponsors, and volunteers from around OC we are using this platform to better connect and include diverse entrepreneurs to help them find resources and build the relationships that help Orange County grow.
Our association does not compete with existing groups. We are a force multiplier to help connect, publicize, and accelerate the accomplishments and relationships of everyone interested in early stage technology startups in our region.
OUR MISSION: Increasing Access to Startup Innovation and Investment in Southern California
The OCSC exists to increase access to entrepreneurship opportunities and investment capital by sharing information that connects and publicizes everyone’s efforts in the OC high tech startup business ecosystem. We do this by:
Offering the most diverse and inclusive startup events and services in the Orange County startup ecosystem with special focus on supporting First-time, Black, Female and other Under-Represented Founders.
Supporting diverse local Founders of early stage ventures to establish and grow profitable, innovative new high tech, life sciences, and software startup businesses in Orange County.
Working with community partners and organizations to create a fun, friendly, inclusive community that offers easy on-ramps and road maps for startup success in Orange County.
Welcome and outreach services as a friendly Point of Contact for First-time and Minority Founders, corporate partners, community organizations, governments, and investors considering business in Orange County.
Evangelizing to spread the word about the great lifestyle, talent pool, startup support services and organizations, and growth opportunities in Orange County.
Making new friends, having fun, sharing knowledge and experiences, and giving back to create a positive and mutually beneficial cycle of business growth in Orange County that has a positive impact on our entire community.
Please browse around our website to learn more about our startup ecosystem directories, events, membership benefits, and sponsorship opportunities. Or contact us here.
Silver Sponsors
BRONZE Sponsors
Scott Fox is the CEO and Founder of the OC Startup Council.
After years of corporate, startup, community, and non-profit leadership roles in New York, Silicon Valley, London, and Los Angeles, OCSC founder Scott Fox saw a need for a friendly, inclusive resource dedicated to helping first-time founders and diverse early stage startups succeed in Orange County.
Scott has advocated for diversity and inclusion since long before its recent embrace by major corporations. Growing up as a minority in the failing inner city of Detroit, he witnessed first-hand the impact of failed innovation strategies and limited economic opportunities, often the legacy of discrimination. After success in an early career as a Wall Street investment banker, Scott created and funded a college scholarship program for underprivileged Detroit public high school students that he ran for 20+ years.
After graduating from Stanford Law School, Scott found success as a pioneering serial Internet entrepreneur, and later as a 3x best-selling author of entrepreneurship books. He wrote his first book, Internet Riches, in 2004 specifically to introduce more diverse entrepreneurs to the business opportunities of the Internet revolution that was making Silicon Valley rich. He followed that with two more best-sellers (2009 and 2012) also helping to demystify entrepreneurship for people worldwide who deserve easier on-ramps to the startup economy. (Popular all over the world, Scott’s books are available in many different formats and languages including Russian, Vietnamese, Polish, Japanese, Turkish, etc. Profits are donated to charity to fund college scholarships in Detroit.)
Today Scott Fox is an advisor to startup founders worldwide, a popular conference speaker and media guest, and an active angel investor, including through Tech Coast Angels and as Chairman of Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs Orange County. On behalf of the Startup Council he also hosts the popular MasterMinds OC Startup Accelerator Workshops, and regular free “Startup Office Hours” on YouTube and LinkedIn. The OC Startup Council was founded thanks to the many relationships Scott developed through these several careers.
And, the important work of including and connecting diverse and minority founders and first-time entrepreneurs continues: The Startup Council’s expanding national and worldwide programs, services, and events are consistently noted for their welcoming, inclusive environment and diverse attendees.
With the help of sponsors who share a commitment to accelerating innovation and diversity in the Orange County technology ecosystem, we’re pleased to invite you to join us!