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***POSTPONED*** ProfitCON2020: A Small Business Conference 3/26/20

***POSTPONED*** Whether You’re Starting or Growing Your Business - Make it PROFITable

Join them Thursday, March 26 from 7:30AM to 1:30PM at Great Wolf Lodge, 12681 Harbor Blvd, Garden Grove, CA 92840.

Prepare for a wave of knowledge from business experts at ProfitCON 2020! Get ready for 12 sessions brought to you by small business owners, packed with content to help you increase your profit. Learn how to: maximize your cash flow, target your customers, run your business like a franchise, market on Amazon, and more!

Why Attend? There are so many benefits! Here's just a few:

  • Invaluable networking opportunities with 200+ business owners, consultants, area resources and partners.

  • Hands-on sessions led by industry experts and business consultants that provide practical guidance on the core areas of your business and strategies you can implement right away.

  • ProfitCON is brought to you through community partners!

7:30 - 8:30 AM Registration
8:30 - 8:55 AM Welcome Session
9:00 - 9:55 AM Breakout Sessions I
10:00 - 10:55 AM Breakout Session II
11:00 -11:55 AM Breakout Session III
12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch and Keynote Speaker

Session I -- 9:00-9:55 AM

  1. What Tibetan Monks can teach us about Strategic Business Planning

  2. Advertising and Marketing on Amazon - Everything from A to Z

  3. You Are Not in Business to Make Money!

  4. Cookin' for Cash

Session II -- 10:00-10:55 AM

  1. Falling In Love with Numbers

  2. Marketing on a Budget

  3. Run Your Business Like a Franchise to Maximize Your Profits

  4. How to use e-commerce to sell your products globally

Session III -- 11:00-11:55 AM

  1. Turning Likes into Click$

  2. Crawl, Walk, Run to Food Start-Up

  3. Fund Your Business

  4. Creating Passionate Loyal Advocates: Modern Sales Strategies That Win Clients

Session Descriptions

What Tibetan Monks can teach us about Strategic Business Planning
- Successful entrepreneurs follow a well-defined business plan, taking great care to execute strategies and tactics that lead to revenue growth. However, when circumstances change, the ability to pivot quickly is a critical skill. In this session, they will explore the barriers that prevent your business from growing and practical strategies for rapid adjustment.

Advertising and Marketing on Amazon - Everything from A to Z
- This session will teach you all the tools from A to Z you will need to be a seller on Amazon. You will learn how to price your product, what category your product best fits in through rating tools and sample reports, and teach you how to fix problems that may arise while becoming a top seller.

You Are Not in Business to Make Money!
- You are in business to solve a problem, fill a need, exceed a want. When your customers fulfill their needs through you, they, of course, thank you with payment. Let’s look at ways to define your customers by first identifying their pain points, needs and wants, and then finding a way to speak their language so that they know they absolutely need you!

Cookin' up Cash
- The food industry continues to evolve and change. Now it is twisting and leaping in all directions. With this contortion comes unexpected, unplanned expenses on our budgets. Let's uncover these and make more dough! In this session, they will be talking about labor costs, merchant fees, delivery charges-Uber Eats, real estate, and customer expectations.

Falling In Love with Numbers
- In this session, you will learn how to identify the best marketing outlets to reach your target market through marketing KPIs and measuring your ROI.

Marketing on a Budget
- You will learn how the best franchises develop systems, procedures, and tools to systemize their operations and how to apply it to your business.

Run Your Business Like a Franchise to Maximize Your Profits
- Learn how to create and use projections and financial analysis to grow your business.

Turning Likes into Click$
- In this session, you will learn how to monetize your social media presence and how to make the most of your budget on social media advertising.

Crawl, Walk, Run to Food Start-Up
- The basics of food operation start-up. Getting started and understanding your goals as well as costs and profits without wasting time and cash.

Fund Your Business
- Being properly capitalized is one of the key components to a successful business. Join them while they discuss the differences between debt and equity funding, how to assess which is best for your business, and how to prepare for "the ask" or "the pitch".e

Creating Passionate Loyal Advocates: Modern Sales Strategies That Win Clients
- The greatest competitive advantage you can gain is winning a loyal customer base. In this session, they will discuss how to cut through the competitive noise to succeed in a digital marketplace and how to turn brick and mortar customers into predictable sources of new business.

Please register here to attend.

Thanks to Orange County Inland Empire Small Business Development Center (SBDC) Network for offering this local startup event, the details, and the graphic!