Directory of Local Investors for High Tech Startups in Orange County
Below is our list of startup investors, venture capital firms, angel investing groups, and family offices that invest in high tech startups in Orange County, California. Review the list below to find local early stage technology venture investors who can help your new startup idea or early stage company get to the next level.
Looking for deal flow? If you are a VC, angel, or family office investor active in high technology or software company investing, please join the OC Startup Council here to get your firm added to this directory page so local startup founders can easily find you.
THANKS TO OUR Local Premium MEMBER Investors!
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TCA Venture Group - Gold Sponsor
TCA Venture Group is a catalyst in helping to build Southern California’s economy by providing early stage (pre-seed/seed) funding for startups.
TCA also brings critical business connections, provides hands-on practical mentoring, assists in building out management teams, and helps raise additional venture capital funding.
TCA members have invested in over 400 companies for over $200 million. TCA portfolio companies have gone on to attract over $1.6 billion in additional investment capital.
Contact: Tony Sarris, Executive Director - Orange County -
For information about pitching your startup, or becoming an investor member, visit:
THANKS TO OUR Local Supporting MEMBER Investors!
Looking for venture deals in Orange County? You should be listed here!
Support OCSC by joining as a Premium or Supporting Member here.
Sunstone Management Inc.- Silver Sponsor
Sunstone Management Inc. believes in the aspirational power of the American economy to attract and inspire investors and entrepreneurs from throughout the world. They deliver new and exciting opportunities for economic growth through the creation of innovative public-private partnerships, and their unique experience across government, education, and private sectors.
Contact: John Keisler, CEO & Managing Partner, - (949) 771-1764 -
TiE SoCal - Bronze Sponsor
TiE SoCal is a network of successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and highly educated individuals who are now turning their passion for business into investments and mentorship for the next generation. Started by a handful of dedicated individuals in the 1990s, TiE SoCal Angels formalized the group in 2018 with the intention of bringing together more investors and helping more entrepreneurs. Today, TiE SoCal Angels comprise 75+ accredited investors who are actively investing and mentoring founders.
Contact: Executive Director - - (714) 504-7434 -
Cie is a venture studio that serves as an innovation lab for visionary corporate partners and an accelerator for bold entrepreneurs who want to transform disruptive ideas into new technology ventures.
Cove Fund: A family of seed-stage venture capital funds that provides startup funding for promising new Southern California ventures. The Fund is headquartered in “The Cove” at UC Irvine Applied Innovation, a centrally located and vibrant gathering place for entrepreneurs, innovators and investors in the Southern California startup ecosystem.
Contact: Paul Voois, Fund Manager - -
Bonus: Learn more about the Cove Fund’s investing strategy in this interview with Paul Voois.
Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs of Southern California - Orange County is a Stanford Alumni Association group that seeks to unify and enrich the startup ecosystem by facilitating investment, education and mentorship opportunities for entrepreneurs and alumni investors.
Contact: Scott Fox, Orange County Chairman, - offers a proprietary database of 3000+ VCs, angel investors, syndicates, and lenders to make your startup fundraising faster and more efficient. Their powerful search tools help Members find quality investor leads to personalize your pitches and turn them in to "warm emails" instead. Filter investors by Keyword, Sector, Investment Stage, Location, previous investments, pitch advice, and more.
Special Offer for OCSC Members: 20% Off for Startup Council Members
Contact: Scott Fox, Owner - -
General Investor
Looking for technology venture deals in OC? Learn the benefits of OCSC membership here.
FP Solutions - Basic Sponsor
FP Solutions: Venture studio focused on investing and supporting early-stage hardware startups that provide capital in addition to full-scale engineering services for our startups.
Alliance for SoCal Innovation - A regional non-profit super connector that brings innovation stakeholders together through VC matchmaking and curated convenings to bridge critical gaps in the SoCal innovation ecosystem.
InVitro Capital builds and funds companies from idea to exit.
RevHub creates conditions where entrepreneurs can solve our world's most pressing social and environmental problems.
Toronto Stock Exchange / TSX Venture Exchange - Alternative to venture capital for high growth companies on TSX or TSXV.
If you’re the Founder of an early stage Orange County tech startup, we can help make introductions to venture capital firms and angel investors. Contact us for help here.
Add your startup or service provider or partner company to our OC startup ecosystem directories by joining our association today!
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Is the Directory missing an important local company? Please use our Nominations Form here to let us know.
Corrections or suggestions? Contact us here!