Directory of Community Organizations supporting Tech Startups in Orange County, California
OC offers many helpful community and non-profit organizations to support the growth of new software and technology startups. Review the list below to find local resources to help your new startup idea or early stage company get to the next level.
If you run an Orange County organization that supports high technology or software companies, please join the OC Startup Council here to get your company added to this directory page so local entrepreneurs can easily find you.
Your company should be listed here! Support OCSC by joining as a Premium or Supporting Member here.
Orange County Startup Council
Orange County Startup Council: We’re the local tech startup community organization behind this website, including the OC Startup Ecosystem Directory, OC Startup Jobs Board, OC Startup Events Calendar, our OC tech startups blog, the MasterMinds OC Startup Accelerator Workshops, and more! List your company in our Directory here and get our free emails of local OC startup news here.
Your company should be listed here! Support OCSC by joining as a Premium or Supporting Member here.
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation - Silver Sponsor
Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation: Philanthropic Foundation by Dr. and Mrs. Arnold O. and Mabel Beckman to provide research grants for scientists. As Dr. Beckman stated "we made our wealth from selling instruments to the scientific community, so we wanted our Foundation to support the next generation of scientists".
Contact: Kaerie Ray, Curator and Communications Officer - -
TiE SoCal is a network of successful entrepreneurs, professionals, and highly educated individuals who are now turning their passion for business into investments and mentorship for the next generation. Started by a handful of dedicated individuals in the 1990s, TiE SoCal Angels formalized the group in 2018 with the intention of bringing together more investors and helping more entrepreneurs. Today, TiE SoCal Angels comprise 75+ accredited investors who are actively investing and mentoring founders.
Contact: Executive Director - - (714) 504-7434 -
Stanford Angels & Entrepreneurs of Southern California - Orange County is a Stanford Alumni Association group that seeks to unify and enrich the startup ecosystem by facilitating investment, education and mentorship opportunities for entrepreneurs and alumni investors.
Contact: Scott Fox, Orange County Chairman, -
MasterMinds OC Startup Accelerator Workshops: Monthly peer coaching workshops for Orange County tech startup founders. Free to entrepreneurs who bring good questions for discussion or startup investor pitches to practice. A friendly, no-sales environment, MasterMinds OC can help accelerate you and your growth company to startup success in Orange County!
general MEMBERS
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Greater Irvine Chamber - Basic Sponsor
Greater Irvine Chamber serves as a catalyst for local economic growth by helping businesses in the region to start and grow. The Greater Irvine Chamber provides business training, professional development, and networking opportunities; promotes the city as a dynamic hub for business; and advocates for the interests of the business community with federal, state, and local officials.
Contact: Laura Perdew, Vice President, Marketing & Communications - -
Alliance for SoCal Innovation - A regional non-profit super connector that brings innovation stakeholders together through VC matchmaking and curated convenings to bridge critical gaps in the SoCal innovation ecosystem.
Medical Innovation Exchange | MIx: An organization of medical technology professionals fostering innovation and collaboration in healthcare.
Startup Grind OC/Irvine help grow the startup community through Fireside Chats the 3rd Wed of every month.
Tech Coast Venture Network help first-time Founders polish their pitch and meet Angel investors.
Add your startup or service provider or partner company to our OC startup ecosystem directories by joining our association today!
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Is the Directory missing an important local company? Please use our Nominations Form here to let us know.
Corrections or suggestions? Contact us here!